Thursday 16 February 2012

Urien Rakarth Painting Guide Part Two

Earlier in the week I posted about the painting tutorials I used in creating Urien Rakarth, using the guides as detailed in White Dwarf 379 July 2011. In this second and final part of the guides, I will be using the tutorials that can be found in White Dwarf 371 November 2010.

Starting with the armour, I decided to go along the same route as that of Kabalite armour and used the process on both his body/arm armour and the models hair. The tutorial is as follows:

  1. Basecoat all required areas with Chaos Black.
  2. An edge highlight (a thin line brushed onto all edges) was applied using a 1:1 mix of Dark Angels Green and Enchanted Blue.
  3. Then build up the edge highlights using a 6:3:1 mix of Rotting Flesh, the mix from the last step and Scorpion Green.
  4. A final highlight of pure Rotting Flesh was then applied to the most prominent edges.
The flesh of the face was completed by:
  1. Basecoating the face with a 1:1 mix of Tallarn Flesh and Space Wolves Grey
  2. Using equal parts of the previous mix with equal amounts of Dark Flesh, watering it down into a wash and applying it to the recesses.
  3. Apply Devlan Mud into the most prominent depressions on the face.
  4. Start building up the highlights, first using a 3:3:1 mix of Tallarn Flesh, Space Wolves Grey and Skull White.
  5. The next level of highlights used the same mix with equal parts Skull White added. The eyes and teeth were also painted pure Skull White.
  6. A Leviathan Purple Wash was brushed around the eyes and nose to add depth and pure Skull White was used as a final highlight.
The final part of this guide will look at the painting of the flayed skin tabbard that Urien Rakarth is wearing. Again the tutorial is from WD 371.
  1. Basecoat the tabbard with Tallarn Flesh.
  2. Shade the area with a 1:1 mix of Dark Flesh and Liche Purple that is thinned down and painted into the recesses.
  3. The flayed skin was then given an initial highlight using pure Rotting Flesh.
  4. Continue building up the highlight layers by using 1:1 mix of Rotting Flesh and Skull White.
  5. Further highlight layers were applied by adding in more Skull White to the previous mix.
  6. Finally, pure Skull White was used on the very extreme and prominent edges of the tabbard.
And there you now have the complete Urien Rakarth, painted as per WD instruction. I will most likely use these tutorials again when painting the rest of my fledgling Dark Eldar army, as the techniques and recipes I can see being similar across a whole range of the models I have to complete with only a few tweeks here and there to achieve certain looks I am looking for.

Thanks for reading.

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