Useful Stuff

On this page I will keep links to all the Warhammer 40k resources I use across the internet outside of reading other blogs. Links to all the blogs I read and keep up to date with can be found in the blog rolls on the right hand side of the main blog. Please let me know if you have any sites you could recommend to add to the lists.

For Purchases and Information - Models and Paints

Games Workshop - The place to go to get anything you need, but the last place you want to go to get it.

Forge World - For when you need that extra special something.

Firestorm Games - Local games store, brilliant in there I tell you!

Privateer Press  - All the info and forums for Warmachine and Hordes.

For Purchases - Specific Parts

Bitz and Kits - The biggest collection of bits in the world.

Bitzbox - A multitude of plastic and resin parts for your needs.

Ebay - The home of absolutely everything you could ever possibly ever need.


Bolter and Chainsword - Everything Marine is in there and a lot more nowadays.

War Seer - Discuss all wargaming.

Heresy Online - Even more wargaming material, tactics, everything.

Dakka Dakka Forum - For discussions on everything miniature.

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