The Clawed Fiend needs layering up a fair way and is a long way from completion. When I get round to focussing on him though, it should not take too long for him to come together nicely.

Lelith is the last model in this update. All bases layers on and shading applied to the skin. Shall be focusing on completing her hair and skin before moving on to her armour and weapons.
The board is now complete and I am happy with how it turned out. Very happy with the edge highlighting as I have managed to keep the lines relatively smooth and straight to the actual edge of the board. Only slight disappointment is the engine block, which I think got a bit too much attention during the priming stage, and is one of my techniques I believe I will have to look at to improve all future models that I paint.
Anyway, please see below for a few more pictures of the progress made, I apologise for the bluriness on them, better pictures will be taken once the models are complete.
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