Black Crusade - 2,000pts
This game represents my first using an army that doesn't hail from the ice world of Fenris. As such I wasn't thinking of a competitive list at all for the battle, but a list that would allow me to use and observe the units I chose to deploy. The result was probably one of the most exciting and fun games of Warhammer 40k I have ever taken part in. Kudos to my opponent, another Ian, who also enjoyed the slaughter as much as I did.
Using the Black Crusade mission from the Battle Missions book (pg 12 for those with the book to hand) the battle was pitched at 2,000pts, Chaos leading first, 5 turns decided the victor of the skirmish.
Crimson Fists
Pedro Kantor
Librarian in Terminator Armour - Storm Shield
Terminator Assault Squad - 2 x Lightning Claws (pair), 2x Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield, Sergeant with Lightning Claws.
Sternguard Veteran Squad - 5 men, Combi-Melta, Power fist
Tactical Squad - 10 men, Plasma Gun, Missile Launche, Power Weapon
Tactical Squad - 10 men, Melta Gun, Missile Launcher, Power Weapon
Tactical Squad - 10 men, Flamer, Missile Launcher, Power Weapon
Vanguard Veteran Squad - Jump Packs, Relic Blade, 4 x Power Weapon
Land Raider Redeemer - Extra Armour, Multi-Melta
Predator - Twin-Linked Lascannon, Lascannon Sponsons, Extra Armour
Chaos Space Marines
Lucius the Eternal
Terminator Lord - Twin-Linked Bolter, Power Weapon
Terminators - 5 men, Icon of Slaanesh, 2xTwin-Linked Bolters,2xCombi-Weapons, Reaper Autocannon, 3xPower Weapon, Chainfist and Power fist.
Possessed Marines - 4 men with 1 Champion
Chaos Space Marines - 8 men, Icon of Slaanesh, Plasma Gun with Aspiring Champion - Combi-Melta and Power fist.
Chaos Space Marines - 9 men, Icon of Slaanesh, 2xMelta Gun with Aspiring Champion - Combi-Melta and Power fist, Rhino.
Noise Marines - 7 men, Personal Icon, 6 x Sonic Blasters, Blast Master with Aspiring Champion with Power Weapon and Doom Siren.
Chaos Raptors - 4 men, 2xMelta Gun with Aspiring Champion - Plasma Pistol, Power Weapon
Obliterators - 2 men(?)
Land Raider
The Battle
A bloody affair this one was, with both Land Raiders falling in the first turn, the Loyalist machine falling to the lascannons of the Obliterators and the Chaos equivalent going to the lascannons of the Predator. I will talk about some of the effective units from the Chaos side of things shortly, and also some of the less effective units.
The tactics from the Chaos side was to keep the Chaos units relatively close together so they could support each other, hopefully knocking out on flank of the enemy and controlling the battle along one of the short sides. By and large the tactic and units were successful in doing this and once the carnage was called to a close, the Chaos force was triumphant by 13 points to 11.
Lucius the Eternal
I have always wanted to field this guy since reading the opening five Horus Heresy novels. For his debut he didn't disappoint either. He got away with making a few invulnerable saves (5+ for those without the Chaos Codex) which is incredible given I generally fail 3+ Storm Shield saves, while also whittling down a couple of squads in close combat. The one and only time he fell on the battle field was to Pedro Kantor and his Power fist. Upon his return he got close enough to the Vanguard to kill all five of them with his Doom Siren, which is also quite a beastly weapon against units with a 3+ or worse save.
Noise Marines
Before fielding them I hadn't really looked too much into their stats, they were put in just to satisfy my need for an Emperors Children/Slaaneshi feel to my army, but, boy, can they throw out a lot of fire power if you don't move them. Thankfully the majority of the action pivoted around their position in a building 10" from the centre line of the long side of the table. They didn't take a single casualty during the game and put various holes in numerous squads.
A good solid performance from these guys saw a Land Raider ruined and the Predator reduced to an immobilised wreck, with only one gun still functioning but unable to see anything by the end. They absorbed a huge amount of fire before being overwhelmed by the fire power directed at them. Being able to select the best gun for the job in hand is a good benefit, especially when coming up against another marine army.
Possessed Marines
And now for the one and only unit that failed to do anything of any particular note. Having no ranged weaponry and getting the Scout special rule at the start of the game, these guys attempted to move up the field behind the cover of the Rhino, before getting in to close combat with the closest unit they could find. Unfortunately by the time this happened they were down to two men against 6, of which they couldn't make a dent before being wiped out and never managing to return to the battlefield. There has to be a way to field them usefully and effectively. Maybe a bigger squad with a better roll for the special rule they get? Needs more testing.
The addition to the Initiative was a handy bonus against marines who generally strike at Initiative 4, allowing this Chaos army to reduce its losses in close combat by killing more of the enemy before they hit them. The army had a good mix of ranged fire power and close range nastiness and Lucius was very fun to throw into combat at every opportunity. Next time I just have to remember to use the Armour of Shrieking Souls when I make those armour saves in close combat.
While there is not much I would change to the base of the army, I feel the possessed marines need to be replaced as they did close to nothing. Possibly dropping the Terminator Lord (although he also made an inordinately high number of invulnerable saves) and the Possessed Marines and using a Daemon Prince to add further strength to the close combat punch of the army would be a possibility and one that I will very possibly try out once I have my DP assembled.
As for the game itself it was immensely enjoyable as I mentioned earlier and has given me an extra thrust in getting back in to war gaming and this will hopefully lead to more content for the blog as I start getting back in to the swing of things! Cheers for reading folks, hopefully I will be back with more content pretty soon.